Thursday, October 18, 2012

Website in Focus #2: The Oatmeal

Time for the second installment of websites in focus! For those who haven't heard of The Oatmeal, it's a popular comedy site based on comics/infographics and a certain artistic style. I personally think it's a hilarious website.
The site has more than just comics, it also has quizes such as how many Justin Beibers can you take in a fight, or how long can you survive chained to a bed with a velociraptor. The site has an awesome graphic after the quizes that you can use to share you results, I posted one of mine below.

How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor?
Apparently I don't survive long.

Aside from having great content, I noticed this guy is an expert at promoting his site. The sharable, graphical results of the quiz above are a great idea and he uses social media like a champ. Even if you don't find the site interesting (which I would be shocked if you don't) you can still learn a few things from looking at how this site promotes itself.

Check it out!


  1. I would have survived 1 minute and 25 seconds, haha. The site is pretty cool, thanks for sharing!
    And I don't like to promote or spam, but can you check out my new blog and tell me in the comments what you think?

  2. I'm a huge fan of this website- I find it hilarious!

  3. I used to get links for the comics there but I never thought to check everything else the site has. I definitely will now, the raptor quiz was fun, thanks for the share!

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