Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The 13 Dwarves of The Hobbit

For those who haven't read the hobbit, or those that have but forgotten the details, let me refresh you one who each of the 13 dwarves in the Hobbit are. Part 1 of the three part Hobbit movie's coming out on the 14th of December! First though, the obligatory trailer for the movie! Click read more to see it.

Now is that not the most exciting thing you've ever seen! Anyways, back to the topic at hand .. who exactly are these dwarves that drag Bilbo Baggins along in their adventure?

*Warning, spoilers for those who haven't read the books yet*

Second Warning! There are spoilers in this post!

No, Really. There are Spoilers Ahead.

Fili & Kili

Fili and Kili are brothers, and Thorin's nephews. They die fighting alongside Thorin in the battle of five armies. They are the two youngest dwarves in the adventure, and are often sent on scouting missions for the group due to their keen eyesight. Fili, Kili and Bilbo together find the hidden door into Smaug's lair in the Lonely Mountain (Erebor).

Fili & Kili

Oin & Gloin

Brother to Gloin, Oin is a relatively minor character in the story. He fought, and survived the battle of five armies. After the events of the Hobbit, he returns to the Mine of Moria after some time with the goal to reclaim it for the dwarves. He is killed by the Watcher in the Water at the west gate of the mines.

Brother to Oin, Gloin is also the father of a particularly important dwarf in the Lord of the Rings, Gimli. He fought and survived the battle of five armies, and after the events in the Hobbit settled down in the lonely mountains.

Oin(left) & Gloin(right)

Thorin Oakenshield

Thorin is the only member of royalty in the group. He gets his name from a battle in the Mines of Moria with goblins in which he took up an oak branch to defend himself when his shield was cloven in two. He was a young child living in the lonely mountain when the dragon Smaug took it from the dwarves.

Thorin OakenShield


Brother of Balin, Dwalin is the first dwarf to arrive at Bilbo's house, and is third in command after Thorin and Balin. He survived the battle of five armies and settled down living a long (even for a dwarf) life and having many children.



Brother of Dwalin, Balin is second in command of the dwarves. He fought in the Battle of Five Armies and survived. He is known as their look out, and is the first to see the elves in Mirkwood. He also leads the escape from the spiders in Mirkwood. He is the only dwarf that offered to go with Bilbo as he entered the dragons lair. He meets his death in Moira at the hands of a goblin archer when the dwarves try to re-colonize the mines.



Cousin to Bofur and Bombur, I don't know if you noticed but Bifur has an axe in his head. This causes a slight disability with him in the upcoming film, and he is not able to speak any language except Khuzdul, the dwarves secret language. He fought in and survived the Battle of Five Armies.



Brother of Bombur and cousin of bifur, Bofur did not differentiate himself in the books much. I am interested to see his role in the movies. He survived the Battle of Five Armies.



Brother of Bofur and cousin of Bifur, Bombour is the comic relief of the party. He is an exceptionally fat dwarf, and his love of food causes him to build a solid friendship with Bilbo Baggins (all hobbits love food). He is clumsy and forgetful and often falls asleep on the job. Surprisingly, he survives the battle of five armies.



Brother of Nori and Ori, physically he is the strongest of the dwarves. He was also the dwarf that carried Bilbo as they escaped from the goblins in the misty mountains. Unfortunately Dori dropped Bilbo in the escape and the rest of the dwarfs blamed him for losing Bilbo. He fought and survived the Battle of Five Armies.



Brother of Dori and Ori, Nori is an excellent flute player. After the adventure of the Hobbit, he stayed in the Mountain they reclaimed from Smaug the dragon.



Brother of Nori and Dori, Ori also plays the flute. He settles in Moria after the events in the hobbit and is killed when the goblins invade Moria. He is the one who wrote the book Gandalf reads before the Moria troll battle in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring.


Let me know in the comments below if I missed anything, or just let us know how excited you are for this movie!


  1. Is this how they're going to look in the movie?

    1. As far as I know yes. These are pictures of the actors in their Make-up and costumes. So unless Peter Jackson changes something, this is how they'll look.

  2. I've read the first paragraph about the dwarf brothers and was afraid to read everything else because of spoilers. None the less, the pictures are awesome!

  3. I hate to break it to you, but it is going to be a 3 part movie. That being said, I am really psyched for part 1.

    1. Thanks for catching that, I started writing this post way back when they said it was going to be a 2 part series, and just finished it up now. forgot to change that part.

  4. I did what LazyandAmbitious did-- skipped through to avoid spoilers and just looked at the pictures. That said, I'm looking forward to the movie!

  5. I haven't read it in so long, but I can't wait for the movie to come out. I'm ready to get in line now. :)

  6. I'm looking forward to these movies, loved reading the books.
    I was pleased to see Aidan Turner was taking up a role.
    I wonder how he'll do as I've only seen him in Being Human.

  7. so hard to distinguish but i can't wait for the first movie!

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