Thursday, February 2, 2012

Which Big Bang Character is the Funniest? (Main Characters)

Everybody loves the Big Bang Theory (unless your Westboro Baptist Church). It's a show that I've seen almost every episode of. The characters are hilarious, and I was curious as to just how funny each character was in respect to one another.

This list includes all of the main characters such as Amy Ferrah Fowler, and Leonard Hofstadter. If you're interested in how the minor characters fair. Check out Which Big Bang Character is the Funniest? (Minor Characters) which includes many minor characters such as Kripke and Dr. Leslie Winkle.

7. Dr. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter

He's part of the main cast for a reason, because he's funny. He is the most "normal" one in the group, and has the least idiosyncrasies. Non-the-less he is a extremely funny character, and him being "normal" helps to put in perspective just how odd his friends are

Leonard: "Come on! We have a combined IQ of 360 we should be able to figure out how to get into a stupid building."

6. Howard Joel Wolowitz

Without a doubt, the horniest Jewish man I've ever seen. Howard is the only one of the main characters (aside from Penny) who is not a Doctor (Although he does have a masters in engineering). Wolowitz will have coitus with anything that has four legs. He's somehow managed to score Bernadette as a girlfriend, despite his hilariously creepy nature.

5. Penny

Totally didn't pick this picture for the nipples
Initially the only female main character (until Bernadette and Amy were added), she is the smoking blonde across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon, and the source of many wet dreams on Leonard's part. She has many funny parts, and the interactions between her and Sheldon are among my favorite scenes in the series (such as when Sheldon stole her underwear and hung it out on the power lines).

4. Dr. Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski

One of the bustiest short women I've ever seen, Bernadette is Howard's girlfriend and a microbiologist. She is one of the funniest women on the show, and despite her seemingly sweet disposition, is quite a demanding and intimidating person.

3. Dr. Rajesh Ramayan "Raj" Koothrappali

The awkward Indian who can't talk to a woman without being drunk. His interactions with women are really funny, and the gay undertones between him and Howard make for some pretty good jokes as well. I thought that he would be just a token minority character, but he is one of the best characters in the show!

2. Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler

Amy Farrah Fowler is without a doubt the funniest woman character in the show. She's a neuroscientist who is essentially a less extreme, female version of Sheldon. Amy is obviously a little bi-curious, as she always hints at being attracted to Penny.

1. Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper

Considered by many to be the star of the show, it's no surprise that we ranked Dr. Sheldon Cooper as funniest of the show! His brilliance in physics is matched only at his incompetence at understanding human interaction. A theoretical physicist, he has been called smart and crazy enough to be a super villain by his roommate Leonard on multiple occasions.


Sheldon Cooper: [after informing Stephanie he had successfully made his own cat scanner at the age of 12] In fact I was briefly able to see the inside of my sister’s guinea pig Snowball before he caught fire. In fact it led to an interesting expression in our house “Not a Snowball’s chance in a cat scanner!”

Sheldon: Do you want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?
Leonard: Not really.
Sheldon: [going on anyway] If the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip.
Leonard: I don’t care.
[thinks about it]
Leonard: Two milli – that doesn’t seem right.
Sheldon: It’s true – I did a series of experiments when I was twelve. My father broke his clavicle.
Leonard: Is that why they sent you to boarding school?
Sheldon: No – that was the result of my work with lasers.

We'd love to hear your opinions on who you think is the funniest character is. Please let us know if the comments below!


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  3. You're right, gotta be Sheldon. But all the characters are great, plus clever, witty scripts.

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